Monday, April 23, 2012

Taking Wall Street by Storm

People are angry. It is a harsh economy, an expensive world, and it feels hopeless that any change will take root in our lifetime. We hear dour predictions on the news, reflected painfully in our bank accounts, and somehow it insights anger. I saw reports of people gathering on Wall Street, holding up banners about the great division between the haves and the have nots, the inequality of the "American Caste System",

Maybe I am misguided, or under-educated, or uninformed, but I am afraid that the 99%, those masses of people who have only known what it means to be a "have-not", aren't considering the true implications of "sharing the wealth". I like having choices. I would like the government to stay out of my head, my wallet, and my choices as much as possible. We cannot legislate compassion or love, we cannot legislate principles. I think we are on a slow moving teeter-totter and that eventually it will swing back, we just don't have the patience because we are living in a society that needs instant gratification. I think if we don't let it swing back naturally, we are all going to topple down to the bottom into an abyss of (label it something pretty like "blissful cooperatives") socialism.

Post Note - Just saw this sitting here as a draft from last October...figured I'd hit the publish button just for fun.

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